The Harvard Club of the Palm Beaches Presents
"Crimson Conversations"
In Search of the Mighty T.Rex
Lew Crampton
President and CEO of the South Florida Science Center and Aquarium
In Search of the Mighty T. Rex and other Cretaceous Dinosaurs in Montana’s Hell Creek Formation.
While president of the Burpee Museum of Natural History in Rockford, Illinois, Lew led an expedition to southeastern Montana to find dinosaurs to exhibit in his museum. In an amazing stroke of beginner’s luck, the expedition discovered a T. rex-like dinosaur buried under 66 million years of shale deposits. This controversial discovery – called by experts one of the top ten finds in the last thirty years of paleontology – also solved a dinosaur mystery, shedding light on whether or not another dinosaur species – identified as Nannotyrannus – existed as a separate entity from T. rex. The two-year saga of digging up this incredibly complete and well-preserved specimen, transporting it to Rockford, extracting its bones from a 66 million-year-old block of rock, and its eventual display at the Burpee Museum (where it won the American Association of Museum’s top exhibit award for 2006) were memorialized in a Discovery Channel documentary titled, “The Mystery Dinosaur”.
Please join us for fascinating evening!
Date: Thursday, June 22, 2017
Time: 6:00 pm cocktails (cash bar), 7:00 pm presentation
Place: South Florida Science Center and Aquarium, 4801 Dreher Trail North, West Palm Beach, FL 33405
Parking: Free parking in front
Event Organizer: Sandra Arber ( (561-900-7176)
RSVP's not required
We look forward to seeing you there!!!
South Florida Science Center & Aquarium
4801 Dreher Trail North
West Palm Beach, FL 33405 United States of America
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